Australian Gambling Statistics is a comprehensive set of statistics related to gambling in Australia, covering the entire range of legalised Australian gambling products. The publication has been produced since 1984 and tracks the trends in all forms of gaming for over 35 years. The report is compiled annually by the Queensland Statistician’s Office in co-operation with all Australian state and territory governments.
While gambling expenditure on gaming machines as a percentage of household disposable income is down from the highs of the late 90s and early 00s, small increases in NSW and VIC have been positive. NT has seen the biggest growth in recent years despite a small overall market. Declines in the ACT, TAS and SA are the result of regulatory changes and, in the ACT, a demographic that is generally opposed to gaming machines.
The turnover on gaming machines have been very positive in NSW where consistent increases have continued since 2006/2007. QLD is also seeing consistent growth over the last 10 years and VIC has been lifting since 2012-2013 despite significant politically motivated and ongoing negative media campaigns paid for by the anti-gaming lobby in league with several local councils.
One more area of interest is the government revenue from each state. Despite a decline in income from gaming machines the states and territories are seeing overall increases in taxes paid when all forms of gambling are included. The NSW state government has benefitted from an improvement in tax supply from sports betting (expenditure up 16% in the last year). The concern in this for clubs and hotels is that the NSW govt are making up their tax dollar from other areas of gambling while possibly contemplating further restrictions for poker machines.
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Source: Queensland Government Statisticians Office, Queensland Treasury, Australian gambling statistics, 35th edition.