As of December 1, MAX commenced operating under the new Central Monitoring System (CMS) Licence. Since having been awarded the licence in March 2016 MAX has, in collaboration with the NSW Department of Liquor and Gaming, developed a new monitoring system and rolled out new infrastructure to every Club and Hotel operating gaming in NSW.

The new CMS incorporates a number of new capabilities to a help make the business of running a gaming operation faster and simpler. These include:

  • Multiple Protocol Connectivity: Approved Gaming Machines using the Protocols listed below, can be connected and monitored:
  • X-Standard
  • G2S
  • QCOM
  • Specifications and test facilities for the development of gaming products using new protocols
  • Multiple Application Program Interfaces (APIs) facilitating connectivity to 3rd Party Systems (i.e. Jackpots, Loyalty and TITO)
  • Web Enabled: Access to applications via the internet
  • Single Sign-On: Access to all the CMS using one sign-on for all subcomponents
  • An updated Club Grants facility
  • Easier user interaction

MAX will continue to work with NSW Department of Liquor and Gaming on redeveloping ancillary applications (e.g. Quick Change) and say other new features will continue to be developed over the next two years.



Last week also saw Liquor & Gaming NSW launched its 2017-2019 Strategic Plan, which outlines its purpose, goals and vision for the future.

The development of the goals and strategies has seen stakeholders from various sectors including industry, community and government assisting in guiding the strategic approach.

The five priority goals identified by  L&GNSW are:

  1. We put the customer first and deliver efficient licensing services that are risk-based and commercially aware.
  2. We ensure intelligence-led and risk-based industry oversight that minimises burden without compromising regulatory objectives.
  3. We provide policy leadership that balances responsible industry development with harm minimisation.
  4. We maximise transparency and stakeholder participation in liquor and gaming regulation and encourage compliant and responsible industry.
  5. We develop staff that are capable, collaborative and empowered to deliver.”

The Board has also published its regulatory priorities for the year ahead, identifying their key regulatory priorities for the 2017-2018 period.”

The priorities for this period are:


  • Priority 1: Targeted oversight of higher risk venues, precincts, displacement areas and regional locations
  • Priority 2: Addressing compliance in emerging and at-risk business models
  • Priority 3: High-risk indicators within the packaged liquor sector including online and delivery

Gaming and wagering

  • Priority 4: Gambling-related advertising and inducements
  • Priority 5: Sports betting integrity arrangements
  • Priority 6: Gaming machine integrity and custody arrangements


  • Priority 7: Ensuring clubs are effectively governed


  • Priority 8: International rebate play / junkets / Anti-money laundering
  • Priority 9: Internal controls and systems integrity and revenue assurance.

For more information, you can read or download the Strategic Plan 2017-2019 via this link.

Sources: MAX, L&GNSW, The Shout