What is, or has been, your biggest challenge with the club?
Maintaining traditional RSL club customs whilst driving new markets and demographics to the club. Getting the mix right has been challenging and not always popular, however, I am lucky to be working with a progressive board and sub branch who both understand the importance of sustainability of the club into the future.
What has been some of your achievements or highlights since being at the club?
Highlight would include recruiting a fantastic caterer; a 30% growth in gaming; record community expenditure (2012 – $22,000 2015 – $85,000) and strengthened community partnerships as well as implementing significant shift in the service and staff culture.
Within the CMAA, I have been on the local committee for 3 years and have enjoyed looking at new ways of engaging zone managers through our popular family day at Jamberoo Action Park and more recently annual Zone Race day which attracts over 180 managers, directors, partners and trade. The Exposure to Excellence American Club Singapore bursary has been the highlight of my 22 years in the industry.
What’s the best pieces of advice you’ve learnt and you’d like to share?
I have three pieces of advice of which I must constantly remind myself;
- Do not preoccupy yourself with worrying about things that you have no control over.
- Stick to your strategy whatever that may be and remember that every speed bump in the road should not be seen as an obstacle but an opportunity.
- There will always be things that don’t go your way in every part of your life, accepting that will open doors.
I would also encourage young managers to develop a strong network of mentors and peers.
The last piece of advice is that you will never keep everyone happy and you will go mad trying to. When making big decisions or change, research, workshop, communicate and stick to your guns.
Tell us a bit about yourself outside of the Club industry.
I am married with two girls aged 12 and 7. As a family we enjoy spending time with our puppy Archie, fishing and holidaying at Sussex Inlet. I have recently begun my journey in martial arts with a goal to attain black belt within 3-4 years and enjoy training with my girls and coaching junior grades as an assistant instructor.