1) Your name, your club and your position.
Chris Williams Pacific Palms Bowling Club Secretary Manager
2) What is your biggest or has been your biggest challenge with the club and your role?
The usual for many colleagues, change both culturally and operationally for the members, staff and board. I have been here nearly 8 years. The last 4 have been very satisfying and rewarding, the first 4 not so much.
3) What have been some of your achievements or highlights since being at the club?
Four consecutive profits after an $85000 loss. Installation of outdoor gaming, TITO, a generator, new furniture, upgraded outdoor BBQ area including a mobile bar. Another highlight is having wonderful staff that are loyal and go beyond their job description. You can’t be successful if you haven’t got your staff’s support.
4) Is there a piece of advice or something compelling you have learnt that you can pass on to our readers and up and coming managers.
Treat people with respect. In most cases, they are only doing their best. Do your research. Listen but go with your gut sometimes. Stay humble. Network and surround yourself with people who can help you and always remember where you came from.
5) Outside of the club and your role there. Do you have any hobbies or passions.. tell us a bit about you?
I am married with three children – a girl 11 and two boys 14 and 17. I love spending time with them. My sport these days is bowls and I love seeing people succeed no matter how small an achievement it may be.