Beyoncé was right!  Girls do run the world…at least the social media world that is.

new infographic from Digital Flash explores how men and women are using social media and highlights the dominance of women on popular platforms.  Although a US study, findings reflect usage in Australia. Here are some of the key findings:

Wonder Women

  • Women take the prize for social representation. In the US, 56% of social media users are female. In fact, women rack up 99 million more visits than men to social sites every month.
  • Women make up 55% of all online gamers. And it is women over the age of 55 who spend more time playing online games than males in the 15-24 and 25-34 age groups combined.  Now that has to be an interesting statistic for game developers, especially when you consider that these same 55-year-old females dominate the club industry’s gaming revenue.
  • Pinterest remains the most gender-skewed platform with 82% female users, compared to a measly 18% of men. It’s a great way to connect with women and drives a huge amount of traffic to websites. Take Martha Stewart’s female lifestyle site – Pinterest drives more traffic than Facebook and Twitter combined.
  • Women are far more likely to make their profile private (67% compared to 48%), and more frequently delete people from their friends list.

Facebook first

  • Women are leagues ahead of men when it comes to Facebook and Twitter. In the US the split is 58% women to 42% men on Facebook.
  • On Twitter the gap is even wider, with women accounting for 64% of tweeters.
  • However, there are still a few digital caves where men rule. LinkedIn (63%), Google+ (71%), and Reddit (84%) are dominated by male users.


  • There is at least one area where the sexes align. Over two thirds of women and men cite staying in touch with family as the primary reason for visiting a social platform.

To see the full infographic click here >>>


Based on an article from SMK – see here >>