cherrycheck® Endorsed by ClubsNSW as the Preferred App to Meet the Club Gaming Code of Practice
After an extensive market review, and a venue trial period, ClubsNSW has endorsed cherrycheck® as the leading solution for clubs to assist in meeting the Club Gaming Code of Practice (the Code).
The Code is based on a targeted approach of identifying people that might require assistance and connecting them with the best support possible. It is an important tool for demonstrating clubs as the safest and most responsible operators of gaming machines.
Under the Code, clubs are required to check on the welfare of players displaying indicators of problem gambling and to offer them support where appropriate. Interactions with players showing signs of distress are required to be recorded in an Incident Register.
ClubsNSW recognised that for the Code to be effective, it had to be easy to implement, and the cherrycheck® app fits the bill perfectly as it simplifies the process of undertaking and recording player welfare checks.
What is cherrycheck®?
cherrycheck® is the only real time, mobile interface capturing compliance reporting anywhere. It enables quick, easy logging of incidents, observations and conversations, automating the Gaming Incident Register and protecting venues from compliance breaches while supporting industry best practice. It has been designed to ease the burden of compliance, manage risk, and reinforce advanced staff training.
The cherrycheck® LITE version, endorsed by ClubsNSW, includes an app to be used on iOS, Android and PC Web Browser. Each venue can establish Club login details, for single or multi-venues, with the ability to control staff security access via a Super Admin role. The LITE version allows capture, recording and reporting of Configurable Responsible Service of Gaming Incidents.
The cherrycheck® app can be easily upgraded on a modular basis as follows:
- Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) – LITE (As provided in collaboration with ClubsNSW)
- Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) – Full Version
- AML / CTF Module – inclusive of collection of KYC information
The modules can be provided as standalone units, or fully integrated back into gaming machine and patron software systems. Click here to see the detailed features of each module>>> cherrycheck Modular Features
The cherrycheck® ClubsNSW Offer
OPTION 1 (recommended) Nil monthly fees. (One off $200 data set up fee)
OPTION 2 Nil monthly fees. (Club self-set up)
Option 1 is recommended so your venue has the benefit of working with solution and data experts to ensure a smooth set up and a premium operational experience.
ClubsNSW strongly encourages clubs to try out the cherrycheck® LITE app, even though there are no requirements under the code to do so. Having most clubs using the same electronic gambling incident register will assist ClubsNSW in providing data to regulators to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Code.
To Accept the Clubs NSW Offer
On acceptance of the Offer, Clubs can be up and running within 1 to 2 weeks with their staff. The process is as follows:
- Complete the cherrycheck® LITE order form at:
- Club will be redirected to an electronic order form with terms and conditions to use the software and execute electronically.
- After signing, and pre-approval, the Club will be provided a link to Register.
- Once the registration is complete, the Club will be provided with the links to download the app.
- Club to upload gaming machine data (recommended to get Cherryhub assistance here)
- Club invite staff users to use the app.
For more information about cherrycheck® and the full range of cherryhub® products for all clubs and pubs contact:
Ph: 1300 944 140 I E: I
See Cherry Hub at the AGE 2023 on eBet Stand 710