The facts regarding domestic violence in Australia are chilling – and they touch each and every one of us.
In NSW, more than 40 percent of homicides are domestic violence (DV) related.
Violence against women costs the Australian economy $21.7 billion per year.
2015: 80 women were killed by a current or former partner in DV- related incidents.
2016: 71 women killed in the same way
One in six women has experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or former partner. One in 19 men has experienced violence from a female partner.
DV presents the greatest health risk to women between the ages of 15 and 44.
Clubs NSW has created a 10 Point Plan for dealing with domestic violence issues involving staff, members and their community. It is a clubs guide to meeting its social responsibility and clearly outlines what every club can do if faced with a situation.
- Contact the Domestic Violence Liaison Officer (DVLO) at your local Police Station and find out how the club can be of support. You may wish to ask for posters for restroom doors.
- Share and promote NSW Police Force digital campaign material through in-venue TV and social media:
- 1:20 minute version (click here)
- 30 second version (click here)
- Contact your local council to find out about DV-related services in the area. Learn how the club can be of greatest assistance to those providers. You may be able to provide in-kind support through room hire, fundraising, advertising or provision of ClubGRANTS funding.
- Consult other clubs and local businesses to find out about their involvement in DV-related activity. Collaborative projects can often have a greater impact than individual support.
- Provide care to employees who may be victims of domestic violence by offering domestic violence leave, counselling or other support as required. A toolkit is available (click here) – please note you’ll need to sign-up.
- Ensure support is provided for perpetrators. Your club may be in a position to refer, host or provide financial backing for accredited behavioural change programs (click here).
- Consult Domestic Violence New South Wales (DVNSW) to find out more about DV (click here). You may wish to ask a representative to speak at a regional meeting to find out how clubs can play a greater role in the community.
- Lead the charge to use your regional grant to bolster a dedicated local DV-related service.
- Work with your ClubGRANTS local committee on an approach which will allow a portion of funding to be distributed to worthy DV-related services each year.
- Contact Lorin Muhlmann at ClubsNSW for further ideas and resources and to share your successes and challenges:
or 02 9268 3034 / 0411 242 414.
Download this guideline as a PDF for use in your club here >> dv-10-points