Endeavour Group’s Dan Murphy’s liquor chain is on the front foot trying to find 2200 people to fill positions in its 258 stores, guaranteeing that anyone over 18 who walks into one of its outlets will be granted an instant job interview with a senior manager.
The company says the on-the-spot interviews will take 10 minutes and are designed to cut out the traditional bureaucracy in the first stages of the hiring process and show the can-do culture at the stores.
Dan Murphy’s incoming managing director Agi Pfeiffer-Smith says the aim is to make it simple for prospective employees to secure one of the 2200 casual positions in the lead-up to the busy Christmas and summer period.
“We wanted to make it as easy as possible for people who are interested in a career with Dan Murphy’s to get a foot in the door,” she said.
The liquor retailer will guarantee the instant interview from Monday until Sunday at any of its stores, in what it is calling “Hiring Week”.
Ms Pfeiffer-Smith, who is taking over the helm of the group in a handover period as current managing director Alex Freudmann returns to his native England, said it was the first time Dan Murphy’s had embarked on such a move.
The chain is aiming to fill 670 roles in NSW, 570 in Queensland, 530 in Victoria, 280 in Western Australia and 140 in South Australia.
‘Just come as you are’
Ms Pfeiffer-Smith said people did not need to make an appointment but could just walk in and be interviewed to see if they had the right customer service skills and positive attitude.
She said most of the roles were for a minimum of 20 hours a week, and many were for an immediate start.
“Just come as you are and our commitment to every applicant is that we will give you a short interview on the spot,” she said. The group was looking for a broad array of future employees, from university students to retirees, she said.

Source: http://www.afr.com/companies/retail/dan-murphy-s-on-the-spot-job-interviews-aim-to-hire-2200-20220905-p5bfdq