1. Your name, your club and your position.

Ryan Souter, Bomaderry Bowling Club, Gaming & Promotions

  1. What is your biggest or has been your biggest challenge with the club and your role?

The amalgamation with two clubs in the area in the space of a few years.

  1. What have been some of your achievements or highlights since being at the club?

High attendance for live shows, running successful membership promotions and a modern gaming area in the main club.

  1. Is there a piece of advice or something compelling you have learnt that you can pass on to our readers and up and coming managers.

Always access the risk

  1. Outside of the club and your role there. Do you have any hobbies or passions.. tell us a bit about you?

I’m  interested in the NBA and my hobby ties in with that with collecting basketball cards (which is, unfortunately, a dying hobby in Australia )