
  1. What is your name, your club and your position?

Sean Kennedy, McLeod Country Golf Club, Club Manager

  1. What is your biggest, or has been your biggest challenge with the club and your role?

Building new revenue streams to fund capital projects

  1. What have been some of your achievements or highlights since being at the club?

Attending CMAA World Conference in San Francisco this year. Having Members of the golf club say they haven’t seen the course as good in 30 years. Members telling me that they believe I am one of the best managers the club has ever had.

  1. Is there a piece of advice or something compelling you have learnt that you can pass on to our readers and up and coming managers.

Spending time with your members is never overrated. It is just as important for you to know your members as it is for your members to know you.

  1. Outside of the club and your role there. Do you have any hobbies or passions…tell us a bit about you?

I am thankfully working in an industry to which is one of my favourite hobbies and passions. Golf. I am also the Brisbane West Zone Representative for Clubs Queensland. It is a passion of mine to expand my network and knowledge of within Clubland.