Your name, your club and your position.
Steven Fraser, Chief Executive Officer, Maclean Lower Clarence Services Club
What is your biggest, or has been your biggest, challenge with the club and your role?
Ensuring that the TEAM is all on the one page of looking after the Guests and Members
What has been some of your achievements or highlights since being at the club?
Turning the accounting format into more a useable tool, to understand how the sections are preforming. Adding little improvements as we move forward.
Is there a piece of advice or something compelling you have learnt that you can pass on to our readers and up and coming managers.
Learn to understand the Members and their likes and dislikes. You won’t make them all happy, however you will learn by being out there with them at certain times of the trading day
Outside of the club and your role there. Do you have any hobbies or passions…tell us a bit about you?
Fishing and golf: neither of which I get enough time to do. However, I like stock market investing and have done for many years. It keeps my mind active, while earning a dollar
Do you have any claims to fame? e.g. someone famous has visited the club, you served a celebrity?
Not in particular however, all the Members are Famous, they turn up day after day. It’s their CLUB.