The total number of female Key Management Personnel in Gaming & Hospitality has failed to reach 30%.

Helen Galloway, CEO of Women in Gaming & Hospitality Australasia says, “we advocate for gender representation of 40:40:20, that is 40% female, 40% male and 20% undefined.”

The Gaming & Hospitality industry comprises 105 Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) reporting organisations in Australia combined they employ over 69,000 people.

“I am disappointed with the latest WGEA results which show only a 1.6% increase in female KMP from 25.1% to 26.7%, at this rate we will not reach a minimum of 40% until 2029.” Ms Galloway said.

WGEA reported KMP average across all industries of Australia as 32.5%.

“This needs to be the pipeline for CEO’s and board roles, where again the industry lags behind the rest of Australia”.

There were some notable laggards on gender equality, with 31 organisations having no females in their key management personnel structures.

Ms Galloway said “WGHA are funding research to understand the barriers to entry, retention and advancement of women in the industry, to assist reach 40:40:20 sooner.”

WGHA need to hear from all industry participants, regardless of gender, to participate in the research visit www.wgha.org.au

WGHA is a not-for-profit organisation with a purpose to achieve an inclusive industry and ensure the leaders of the industry are driving this change.

The organisation showcases and celebrate those doing well and holds accountable and supports those organisations that have room for improvement.

WGHA represents the gaming, hospitality and gaming related industries to assist delivering better outcomes for women.