Child on machines at Sydney Club.

It could happen to any of us. It only took a moment and a lack of attention but a large Sydney club has been fined almost $6000 for allowing a toddler to play a gaming machine.

The moment captured on CCTV shows a man lifting the little boy onto the stool in front of a poker machine and standing back as the child presses the buttons.

The toddler did not use money in the machines and investigations showed the child was in the gaming lounge for less than two minutes but Mounties was still in breach of NSW laws that ban minors from remaining in gaming areas at licensed premises. Staff were allegedly only made aware of the toddler’s presence when he ran past them.

A reminder to us all to remain vigilant and ensure staff and managers are focussed on the gaming room even during busy periods.


Balmain Leagues Club redevelopment approved, State Government acquisition still hangs over site.

Inner West Council has just approved a new Development Control Plan for the former Balmain Leagues Club site. The approval of the revised plan removes the last regulatory hurdle at Council level to a development proceeding on the site, which will include a Tigers Leagues Club.

Despite Council’s approval of the plan, the future of the Club remains in doubt with the State Government still working behind the scenes to compulsorily acquire the site, to use as a large-scale tunnelling site for the proposed Western Harbour Tunnel.

Inner West Mayor Byrne has called on Barry O’Farrell, Chair of Wests Tigers, to intervene and to advocate for the State Government not to compulsorily acquire the site.

“This has been a long drawn out saga, but with a revised plan now approved there is no impediment from Council to the Tigers returning to their spiritual home.  The very survival of the Tigers depends on preventing the State Government from snatching this site. The compulsory acquisition of the property would leave the Tigers without a cent of compensation.”

“I approached Wests Ashfield seeking their cooperation to establish a Wests Tigers base in Rozelle. Wests and their CEO Simon Cook deserve enormous credit for coming to the aid of the Balmain Tigers at a desperate time,” said Mayor Byrne.

“Council has done everything in its power to ensure the best outcome for Balmain Tigers and the former Balmain Leagues Club, now it’s over to the State Government to do the right thing and cancel plans to compulsorily acquire the site.”


Hostplus and Club Super in merger discussions

Hostplus and Club Super have announced that they are in discussions in relation to a merger of the two superannuation funds. The funds have entered into a memorandum of understanding to formally pursue discussions and undertake a comprehensive due diligence process, which is anticipated to lead to the two funds’ trustees signing a successor fund transfer deed approving the merger of Hostplus and Club Super.

As industry funds with a common member profit heritage and history, and focus on serving the hospitality, tourism, recreation and sporting sectors, both funds believe there is a strong alignment between the organisations which when combined are expected to deliver greater benefits and outcomes for their members.

“We are keen to explore how a merger of our funds, based on shared values, our all profit to member philosophy and focus and track record in serving the hospitality, clubs and allied sectors, would better serve our members and stakeholders both here in Queensland and nationally”, Club Super Chair, Sharron Caddie said.

Both funds confirmed that their respective members and employers will be kept informed of the outcomes of the funds’ discussions once the opportunity has been fully explored.