Sprout Social* has recently released a new study breaking down the various social media platform habits of Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers.

The study shows some insightful tips for engaging with your clubs target groups.

Millennials represent untapped product potential

According to Sprout Social’s data, Millennials are the leading user base of Snapchat (23.3%), Instagram (22.2%), YouTube (11.5%), and Twitter (7.55%).

Whilst Facebook is still the major social media platform for all groups, Facebook is used twice as much by Generation X and Baby Boomers than by Millennials.

Younger consumers follow brands for entertainment and info

Among the differences in social platform consumption between all three demographics is the purpose for following a brand.

Generation X is interested in contests and promotions.

60% Baby Boomers look for promotions on social media and they also show 53% more interest in product information than other generations.

Baby Boomers also site spam as the main reason they would unfollow a brand.

According to Sprout Social, Millennials are less likely to unfollow brands with offensive posts in contradiction to personal worldviews. This demographic also shows the least resistance to spam marketing.

In an evolving era of social platform marketing, Millennials may prove to have the thickest skin with less concern for political correctness.


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*Sprout Social makes social media management, advocacy and analytics software for businesses and works with companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin etc.