Your name, your club and your position.

Adam Gibson, Catering Manager at Cessnock Leagues Club

What is your biggest or has been your biggest challenge with the club and your role?

The greatest challenge in my role here at the club in the last 3 years has been to grow our catering business without losing focus on the local clientele. In other words, to develop trend food items while still engaging the elderly and those wanting their more basic food items. The other aspect is to facilitate a large, at times, events and conference room that can cater for up to 300 guests, without a properly fitted kitchen (Which is now being developed)

What have been some of your achievements or highlights since being at the club?

The greatest achievement in my role since being at the club has been to grow our catering department while moving towards generating a profit in a very tight pricing format. I have also engaged local suppliers so that we create a “Local for Locals” concept. The customers love a story and linkage back to local farmers knowing that we are investing in the community

Is there a piece of advice or something compelling you have learnt that you can pass on to our readers and up and coming managers?

The most important piece of information I can pass on to my fellow Clubbies is to invest, not just in your people, but also yourself. You need to lead but also learn, don’t be afraid to ask the difficult questions nor give the difficult answers. Sometimes you need to cop it on the chin and move forward and other times you get to baste in your glory. If you believe in what you are doing, then others will want to follow. But, most importantly that we all have different personalities and to work within these parameters to make sure you give all your staff their time to shine

Outside of the club and your role there. Do you have any hobbies or passions? Tell us a bit about you.

I am a simple man – “Live. Love. Laugh”. I have a big personality and live to light up the stage. I love my family and small group of friends and I’m extremely loyal. But most of all I enjoy laughter. I try, even through some tough times, to engage the moment and make the most of situations. Some say I’m positive, I just say that I’m really making the most of my time here on earth.