1. Your name, your club and your position.
Julian Mudge, Finance Manager, The Albury SSA Club
2. What is your biggest or has been your biggest challenge with the club and your role?
The biggest challenge for me was making the transition from Operations to Administration. I had extensive experience in the Food, Beverage & Gaming operation up to Duty Manager level but when the time came for me to look for something different my CEO & General Manager at the time saw the potential, and despite no real background, gave me the opportunity to transition and go through roles such as Business/Data Analyst, Loyalty & Promotion Manager and finally my current position of Finance Manager. It feels like I have had several careers within the one organisation and never lacked for a challenge in the 15 years I have been with The SSA.
3. What has been some of your achievements or highlights since being at the club?
One of my big highlights of being at the Club is being involved in the Change Management side of the business. I have had the opportunity to spearhead some very large changes that will impact the Club for years to come. I have also been on the management team during a phase where we have come from years of losses to some very healthy EBITDA and profit results and while there is lots of little rewards along the way the bottom line does underscore the journey that you have been on.
4. Is there a piece of advice or something compelling you have learnt that you can pass on to our readers and up and coming managers?
My main piece of advice that was taught to me in a leadership program and has become a bit of a mantra for me is: as a manager focus on People & Strategy. Delegate the technical tasks as much as possible and put your focus into where improvements can really be made, People & Strategy.
Also…Incremental change is the best form of change. If you focus too much on a big goal you and your team will find it tough to visualise the goal as achievable. If you focus on the small changes to reach your true goals then your team will be energised on the successes along the way.
5. Outside of the club and your role there. Do you have any hobbies or passions… tell us a bit about you?
By biggest passion is travelling & hiking, and while with a 9 month old this has been put on hold, I look forward to getting back to it in the years to come. My biggest hike was 9 days through the Corsican mountains in Europe. It was a real adventure and really pushed me to my limits. My wife and I also spent 8 weeks in Africa for our Honeymoon and that journey was filled with so many amazing experiences and memories.