Here at Suburbanite, we know your sector has been through a really challenging time.
Off the back of this we have had an unprecedented amount of enquiry and even some calls for help.
We really want to make sure we’re supporting a sector that’s been an important part of our business for many years.
If your club needs assistance with diversifying your property assets or generating more revenue via your existing property assets, we are here to help. We are working closely with organisations that are now (more than ever) looking for strategies to become less reliant on gaming revenue and F&B.
I am more than happy to offer a free consultation or strategy session with you and/or your board to effectively navigate the opportunities and risks in the property sector and ensure all assets are allocated to achieve the club’s objectives and purposes, we’re here for you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Anna Porter AAPI/CPV
Principal & Property Advisor
p. 1300 245 490
m. 0438 476 625
w. suburbanite.com.au
Property Investment I Asset Advisory I Asset Management I Aged Care Consulting