In a period where a laser-focus on costs is a vital business practice in maintaining margins, many hospitality industry venues are looking at effective cost reductions. The ILG Co-op structure offers an advantage by providing cost savings on stock through their 1500 member buying power, with the bonus that any savings are passed back to co-op members in many ways including the subsidizing of wholesale pricing. After operating with member clubs, hotels, restaurants, and independent liquor stores for over 45 years, ILG has a unique place in the industry, by continuing to force down stock costs and helping to raise potential margins. All ILG members are able to retain their individuality by ordering stock that is specific to their region and customers through its members portal

Formed and founded in 1975, The Independent Liquor Group, ILG to the Industry, celebrates 45 years of servicing its ever-growing membership base.  From very humble beginnings, ILG has become Australia’s largest liquor co-operative, a proud member-owned organization of licensed liquor stores, hotels, registered clubs and restaurants, across NSW, ACT, QLD and VIC, working as a group whilst maintaining their independence.  Wineries, breweries, distilleries and all other suppliers are likewise members of the co-operative.  A collaboration that offers significant buying power and enhanced commercial opportunities for the membership at large.

ILG owns six distinct banner groups in Fleet Street, Bottler, Super Cellars, Clubmart, Pubmart and The Liquor Co-op; a validation of its commitment to providing choice and flexibility to better service its members’ diverse business models.

Nonetheless, the co-operative owns two of its three distribution centres located in Erskine Park Business Centre Western Sydney in NSW and Mount St John in Townsville, North Queensland with a leased facility in Richlands in Brisbane Queensland.

Membership benefits include:

  • return of all surpluses to members, a unique point of difference exclusive to the co-operative structure;
  • buying power from supplying over 1500 accounts,
  • co-ownership of its real estates,
  • premium electronic ordering facility in the Industry,
  • brand presence in various forms of advertising including social media
  • a dedicated support team both in-house and on the road.

The ILG team’s paramount commitment to the mission and principles of the co-operative continue to reinforce member relations; relations that have formed a family which has become synonymous to our brands.  Members of the co-operative get to participate and experience the ILG Family get togethers, offered in a mix of functions and events to meet different expectations, needs and appeals.  From golf days, race days, trade expos, brands conferences and study tours, there is always a time and a place for members to connect and exchange.

ILG are in the process of integrating changes to improve our current operational systems including re-purposing some of our skillsets to meet emerging trends.  A more streamlined approach to process, combined with a multi-skilled workforce that will enhance our adaptability and make us more agile to shift with the current times. This is vital in a member base make-up like we have.  Afterall ILG is all about the member.


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