Friend or foe? How will your customers perceive your RGO’s
Your team has completed all the Advanced RCG training required and understands what to look for and how to handle incidents – but what will a typical RGO’s day look like, and how can they help elevate your business?
The focus of problem gambling has been shifted from individuals recognising they have an issue, to venues being proactive in identifying and dealing with recognised problem behaviours. However, without a broader understanding of the RGO role, above and beyond compliance, and the necessary interpersonal skills, there could be a real danger of an RGO being perceived by patrons as a ‘policeman’ or as someone to avoid. That in turn could lead to your customers steering clear of your venue altogether.
Conversely, with the right training, the new RGO role could be your opportunity to heighten your customer engagement, elevate your service levels, establish a strong sense of customer care and trust, and deliver a premium customer experience that is both safe and rewarding.
This half-day course does not replace the recognised Advanced RCG course that every RGO must undertake. Instead, it provides additional high-level skills and tools your RGOs need to make them more effective in their role, and more valuable to your business including:
- What the RGO’s role is about, what they need to do, and why they should do it.
- How to build relationships and trust.
- When to monitor and when to act.
- How to effectively interact with all gaming patrons (not just those with gambling problems)
- Tools available to make the job easier and more effective.
- A takeaway RGO toolbox for quick reference.
Retaining your customers is vital to your business. Make sure you harness the full potential of this new role. It could be the best investment you make all year. Ideal for all gaming staff.
Beyond Compliance: Advanced Skills for RGOs
Date: Tuesday 11 June, 2024
Venue: Club Parramatta, 2 Macquarie Street, Parramatta NSW
Times: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Cost: $250 per person
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