To Our Valued Club and Hotel Customers

Following the recent announcements regarding the closure of licenced premises in ANZ due to the COVID-19 threat, in support of the industry that supports us all, SG Gaming will be deferring payments that are due.

These payments take the form of:-

• Monthly Sales and Licence payments for EGMs on 12, 24 and 36 Months terms

• Monthly Software Maintenance Support on Quartz Software on 36 or 60 Months

• Monopoly Licence Fee

SG Gaming will defer all due payments on these agreements for as long as the order for premises to remain closed is in place, as imposed by the Australian Federal and/or the applicable State Government.

However, it must be noted, that pursuant to the terms and conditions agreed to and signed for by your venue, all monies owed under the agreement, will remain due and payable by the date set out in that agreement. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly at ">  should you have any queries.

We look forward to the time when all businesses are back to full capacity and trading successfully. Until then, we are here for you, and we’ll get through this together.



Vice President – Sales and Marketing ANZ