CMAA – Meet Our Members
What is, or has been, your biggest challenge with the Club?
Some of the biggest challenges have been dealing with staff and negotiating Enterprise Agreements with a local union. (It seems like Broken Hill is the home of unions.) Another real challenge is the location and the vast distances we need to travel to get to regional meetings and conferences.
What has been some of your achievements or highlights since being at the club?
A main achievement would have to be assisting the Club to trade out of Administration as well as increasing the revenue and growth of the club.
Another highlight was becoming a Life Member.
What’s the best pieces of advice you’ve learnt and you’d like to share?
I’d have to say networking with industry colleagues in one of the best ways to learn. I’d also have to recommend that everyone continue their training and development, regardless of your age or length in the industry
Tell us a bit about yourself outside of the Club industry.
Apart from my family, reading is a big passion of mine.
I also donate a lot of my time to other organisations and I am a board or committee member for several of these organisations. I find this, along with mentoring, extremely rewarding.